Archive for June, 2008
Jun 28
Mordheim Terrain Update
I’m getting close and closer to finishing, but I still only have two days to complete it! Here is the progress I’ve done so far:
I have finished detailing the Mordheim Terrain, and finished painting the whole thing black:
My plan is Read the Rest of the Post >
Jun 25
Spring Cleaning
After a productive 8 months of hiding in a spare bedroom, I have finally been discovered and kicked out. The missus demanded to have her spare bedroom back. Here’s a shot of my Mordheim area for the last 8 months:
Jun 20
Starting Orc & Goblin Mordheim Warband
I got forced into Orcs when I started up Mordheim again because I was the only one with the Mordheim warbands, and I couldn’t just have Skaven Warbands. But boy am I glad I did. I now understand the craze people feel for the greenskins. I’m in the middle of a campaign with a Orc and Goblin Warband, and I’m doing pretty well. I’ve developed/read about/seen a couple different tactics for starting an Orcs and Goblins warband in Mordheim, and I’ll try to share my thoughts on them here:
Orc and Goblin Necessities
No matter what direction I go with a Orc and Goblin Warband, I will always get all four heroes (200gc) as that directly affects my income after every game. Only getting four heroes to start is probably the biggest draw-back for the Orcs and Goblins.
Squigs and Goblins and Orcs, Oh My!
This is the warband I am currently playing with, and is probably the most fun of the Orc and Goblin warbands to start with. Read the Rest of the Post >
Jun 19
More Work on Mordheim Terrain
I’ve been doing more work on my Mordheim terrain entry for the Terrain competition at Terragenesis. I’ve had “terrainer’s block” for the last couple days, as I haven’t been able to create the tops of the short pillars to my liking. I still don’t really know what I’m going to do.
Here’s the pictures of where I’m at right now:
Jun 17
Stripping paint with Simple Green
As I’ve been trying out a couple paint stripping methods myself, I am very happy to have found the following article.
Posted on 40k Articles was this article on How to Strip Paint using Simple Green. It has lots of well-taken pictures and lots of descriptions. I’ll be testing it out soon, so I’ll post again when I do.
Ashton Sanders
Jun 16
Montana Mordheim Campaign 1 Game 6
We played another game on the 14th, but I’ve been so busy I wasn’t able to write/post it until today.
Mordheim Game Setup:
My board and my models are not completely painted yet, but I have enough terrain to make a very crowded board. I feel that a nice cramped Mordheim board with few open spaces is how the destroyed city really should be like. The upside of such a crowded board, so that shooty warbands have a tough time getting shots off; enforcing the Close Combat emphasis of the Mordheim Game.
Here’s a shot of the board:
Jun 14
Montana Campaign 1 Game 5
Campaign 1 – Game 5
This Mordheim Campaign is between Ashton Sanders (me) with my Mordheim Orcs of the Sun (name still in progress), and my neighbor’s son using my old Skaven warband. The purpose of this campaign is to learn the rules and have fun =]. So far I haven’t posted any battle reports as we were still doing more learning than anything else. Here goes nothing:
Treasure Hunt
Jun 12
Mordheim Fire
So I had this grand idea of making a campfire for my latest competition Mordheim terrain, and I was going to “bust out some mad skills” with the green stuff I got off of ebay to make a sweet looking campfire. Unfortunately I ran into two problems:
- My Green Stuff apparently has aired out a lot, and is very hard to work with.
- Fire is really hard to make.
Now that I have my excuses out of the way, this is what I have created:
I made two campfires. This is what I did: Read the Rest of the Post >
Jun 8
Mordheim Terrain Rubble
This weekend has been very productive for my Mordheim hobby. I’ve been able to put some quality time into detailing my latest Mordheim Terrain “Elevation.” Since most of the main structure of this terrain has been created, I am now working on the terrain details; namely rubble.