Archive for April, 2009
Apr 16
Mordheim Campaign 2 – Game 2
Crabi the Credible and his warband of Orcs and Goblins were rummaging through the rubble of a collapsed tower. As he tossed a chunk of cement aside, he hollered at the two orc boyz closest to him. “Hey! It’s been forever. Wher’s the gems?” The boyz looked around trying to find who he was talking to. But before Crabi could give the closest boy a punch to the face, he noticed Durrr, the troll, licking the bark off the remains of a tree.
“DURRR!?! Wat are ya doin’? Get ov’r here… I can’t get you ta do anyth’ng…” said the Orc boss as he hustled over to the drueling troll.
In the shadows two Skaven were quickly scurrying away into the night to report the possible gems in the area.
Apr 6
Mordheim Campaign 2 Begins
The persistent yet patient badgering of the neighbor I so happily taught about Mordheim has forced me to start Montana Mordheim Campaign 2. Michael has not even mentioned Mordheim in months, but when I went over to see his new puppy, he was calling “Mortheim” out to me before I even go to his driveway. I really didn’t think I’d be able to post on this blog for a long while, and I most likely will not be able to do the most fun parts (building terrain and painting minis), but the playing the game every week or so will still be a good break.
Mordheim Warbands
Ashton’s Orcs (no time for names yet =(. )
I have used my Orcs + Troll Sample Warband that I created last year: Read the Rest of the Post >