Apr 6
Mordheim Campaign 2 Begins
The persistent yet patient badgering of the neighbor I so happily taught about Mordheim has forced me to start Montana Mordheim Campaign 2. Michael has not even mentioned Mordheim in months, but when I went over to see his new puppy, he was calling “Mortheim” out to me before I even go to his driveway. I really didn’t think I’d be able to post on this blog for a long while, and I most likely will not be able to do the most fun parts (building terrain and painting minis), but the playing the game every week or so will still be a good break.
Mordheim Warbands
Ashton’s Orcs (no time for names yet =(. )
I have used my Orcs + Troll Sample Warband that I created last year:
Mordheim Orcs and Goblins Warband #2 (with troll):
1 – Orc Boss – Axe Dagger Bow – (80 + 15) – 95
1 – Orc Shaman – dagger Bow – (40 + 10) – 50
2 – Orc Big ‘Uns – Axe Dagger – ((40+5)x2) – 90
1 – Troll – 200
2 – Goblins – Short Bow, dagger – ((10+5)x2) – 30
2 – Squigs – 28
9 (4 orcs, 1 troll, 2 gobos, 2 squigs) warriors
493 gc
Fierce Skaven Warband (Micheal’s Warband)
DISCLAIMER: I try very hard to help Micheal build his warband. I don’t tell him what to do (it’s not mine), but I try to stop him from doing dumb things like buying blow darts for the entire warband. Like any game, it would be no fun for either of us if one of us had a huge advantage.
Mordheim Skaven Warband:
1 – Assassin Adept – Fighting Claws – (60 + 35) – 95
2 – Black Skaven – Sword Dagger – ((40 + 10)x2) – 100
1 – Eshin Sorcerer – Sword Dagger- (45+10) -55
1 – Night Runner- Sword Dagger – (20+10) -30
1 – Rat Ogre – 210
6 (5 rats, 1 Rat Ogre) warriors
490 gc
First Mordheim Game
Short and sweet version (I plan on actually narrating these in the future): We rolled Treasure Hunt and played it on a 2″x4″ board (lol). (Somehow Michael remembered that when we rolled 4, it was Treasure Hunt… kids are amazing.) I tried to teach him the tactic of not searching all of the buildings close to you so that you will be the last one to search the building, but he didn’t get it, so I went ahead and just searched any building I got close to.
My Troll hasn’t been used in a couple years and I was going to strip the paint off of it, so it was detached from it’s base. Not a problem, I put some glue on it and set it aside for a minute to dry… and then totally forgot about it. My troll got lost after chasing a little mouse into the rubble of Mordheim.
Game begins, and we came into contact on the third round.
He’s nice and let’s me charge. My gobos and shaman don’t do anything the entire game. Missed 7 times, and failed to cast a spell 4 times… doh.
His sorcerer cast Black fury 2/2, and killed my squig.
Assassin Adept found the treasure, but had to walk as I was within 8 inches. When Michael’s Assassin Adpet found the chest, he “retreated” with everyone… except the two rats carrying the chest and his Rat Oger. By the time he sent his rat’s back in, I had gotten into combat with his Assassin, so he couldn’t run with the chest.
I sent my two squigs into combat with the Rat Ogre and Eshin Sorcerer to keep them from interferring with my heros, which worked a little bit.
His Eshin Sorcerer killed one of my Big Un’s without blinking an eye (Black Fury is awesome), but just about all combat for three turns yeilded nothing but a dead squig and a knocked down model for each team.
Finally, the surviving Orc Big Un’ landed a blow, sending the night runner spinning into the rubble, and a squig got three wounds on the Eshin Sorcerer turning him into chewing gum. (I got 1-2 on unarmed criticals twice in a row, giving me two extra attacks; both of which wounded.
Fierce Skaven Warband was forced to take a route test after losing two of their six members and they rolled a 10: breaking and skurring off into the night leaving the loot for the Orcs.
Everyone survived after the battle.
Mordheim Campaign 2 Score
Mordheim Orcs 1 – Feirce Skaven 0
I hope to actually narate the game next time (with pictures, too).
Ashton Sanders