Archive for the 'Completed Projects' Category

Nov 5

Mordheim Well

First off, Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

Secondly, Here’s my first completed terrain project in quite a while. (June?)

Mordheim Well Read the Rest of the Post >

Aug 31

Mordheim Animosity Counters

Orcs and Goblins in the game of Mordheim (as well as Warhammer) love to fight so much that they can easily get in a fight with each other in the middle of a game. In Mordheim, this is called Animosity. Any orc or goblin henchman afflicted by animosity for a round can not do anything else for that round. Sometimes it is hard to remember which angry orc or goblin can’t do anything for the rest of the turn, so I created these counters to help me remember.

Mordheim Animosity Counters

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Jun 30

Mordheim Terrain Platform – Completed

Completed Projects,Elevation,Terrain
Author: Ashton Sanders

I have now completed my second Mordheim Terrain Platform/Elevation!

Mordheim Terrain Platform

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May 21


In my cruising through random Mordheim pictures, I saw a picture of some custom(?) wyrdstone counters that seemed to be made out of plastic. They just looked like large green rocks, and I remembered that I had started putting together some wyrdstone counters when I was playing the game (in 2000?). Being a packrack, I still had a couple zip lock bags in my Mordheim Box! So, I pulled them out, and put together these sweet Wyrdstone Counters:

Wyrdstone Counters by Ashton Sanders

Mordheim Wyrdstone Counters
Click to Enlarge

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May 18

Five Painted Squigs

Forget the Dog, beware of the Squigs!

Mordheim Squigs
Painted by Ashton Sanders

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May 10

Mordheim Image

I was on the Mordheim Wikipedia Page, and noticed someone added an “okay” image of Mordheim on there, so I decided to create a better one. I had a small photo shoot (with every good Mordheim model and terrain piece I had), and this was the result:

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May 8

Mordheim Elevation Platform – Completed

Completed Projects,Elevation,Terrain
Author: Ashton Sanders

Here is my completed piece of elevation. I am looking at making a board out of Pink (insulation) Foam, so decided to test the foam with a simple piece of platform terrain. The idea was to create a very playable terrain piece that was very versatile, and add elevation to a Mordheim board (as Mordheim normally lacks enough elevation IMO). (You can see the Mordheim Platform WIP Thread Here.
Mordheim Terrain Elevation

The platform is tall enough to Read the Rest of the Post >

Apr 2

Mordheim Dice Tower Completed

Welcome to (Mordheim Dice Tower) “Roll Inn”!
The most comfortable beds this side of the City of the Damned;).

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Jan 29

Mordheim Collapsed Tower Completed!

Hi All! I have officially completed my Mordheim Collapsed Tower! Here are the pics:

This is a competition entry at Terragenesis.

Enjoy the pics:

Collapsed Mordheim Tower - Front
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