Aug 19

Far Agreement

Author: Ashton Sanders

Far Agreement: Understanding This Legal Term

Far agreement is a legal term used in business contracts and agreements that refers to a specific type of covenant, which is an assurance made by one party to another. Essentially, a far agreement is a covenant that promises to do something that goes beyond what is legally required or expected in the contract. It is an additional measure of protection that benefits the other party in the agreement.

For example, imagine a company is entering into a contract with a supplier to provide it with raw materials for manufacturing. As part of the agreement, the supplier may include a far agreement that promises to deliver the raw materials on time, in good condition, and within a certain quality standard. In doing so, the supplier is providing the company with an extra guarantee of the quality of goods delivered, beyond what is legally required.

Far agreements are commonly used in commercial transactions that involve a high degree of risk or uncertainty. They are an effective way to mitigate risks and provide peace of mind to both parties. The parties can agree on a set of terms and expectations that go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the contract, giving each party greater protection against unexpected events.

To make sure a far agreement is enforceable, it must meet certain legal requirements. First, it must be made in good faith, meaning that both parties must intend to fulfill the obligations set out in the agreement. Second, it must be specific and clear, clearly outlining the exact nature of the additional obligations or protections being offered. Finally, far agreements must be reasonable and not put an undue burden on either party.

In conclusion, far agreements are an important tool for managing risks in business transactions. They offer additional assurances to parties involved in a contract, beyond what is legally required, and help establish a greater level of trust between them. However, it is important to approach these agreements with caution and ensure they meet legal requirements to avoid any misunderstandings or complications down the road.


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