Feb 21
Skaven Vs Orcs Mordheim Timelapse
We set up a camera above our table for the boys and I to play a quick game of Mordheim with mini warbands (of approx 250 gold each). The boys each got a Captain, Shaman, 1 Big ‘Un, 1 Goblin with a squig prodder and 1 Squig. Dad had 6 Skaven.
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Feb 21
Mordheim Skaven Warband Painted
I made it back to finish painting my first 7 rats in my Skaven Mordheim warband.

It’s been hard to put time together to work on painting. This year, a few friends have made some time to play Table top games with me, and both my boys have starting to show interest.
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Jun 21
2021 Skaven Warband Conversions
I’m making a new Skaven Warband for 2021!
All of these minis except for the sorcerer came from the current Skaven Bloodbowl pack. I love these minis because they’re so dynamic. They all look like they are running or about to run. Here’s some of the pictures of the minis during the conversion process, and what I did to give them weapons.
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Jun 13
Warhammer box set building
I bought an old Warhammer box set which came with this one little building. I had a request to scan it, so here it is.
May 4
12 years pass, and the dust falls off Mordheim!
Life has changed in many ways since my last Mordheim post 12 years ago. I moved from Montana to Oregon, and I’ve had two children, but I still love Mordheim! The stars have finally aligned again, and it’s time to get back into Mordheim.
I stored all my Mordheim terrain, models and supplies in the garage, with only some damage from when I pulled them out two show kids hope to play. Haha.
I started on a couple terrain pieces, painted up a few more orcs and finished creating the storage briefcase for the Orc and goblin Warband. And I’ve started testing some ways to use the CNC to create a great Mordheim board.
And one of the most exciting parts of breaking out the great game of Mordheim is sharing it with my two boys who each glued, based, primed and painted a black orc Warband!
Thanks for following.
See you in the city of the damned soon!
Feb 9
AMA + Thoughts by a developer
I’ve been following the Mordheim Facebook group for a while, waiting until I can start playing again. I found this great summary of thoughts from a developer on what he thinks he did right and wrong with creating the rules for Mordheim, and it’s fantastic!
Update: Joel brought to my attention that this AMA is inside a Closed Facebook Group for Mordheim. You’ll need to join to the group to read the AMA.
May 12
Mordheim Campaign 2 – Game 3
After a productive rummage through the city, it was time to head back to their temporary den. The Skaven warband “Fierce” was scurrying back through the city as a good pace. The six rats easily moved through the shadows without making a noise. Even the large rat ogre, Stinky, had no trouble sticking to the darkness as shadows grew longer.
Cheesey the Assassin Adept came to a silent hault, and the warband froze. From the distance came the loud bellowing of the quarreling green-skin warband. The dumb brutes were walking in their direction. Cheesey saw that they were both heading down the same street, with only one way to get to the other side; by slicing through the thick sculls of the Orc warband.
Cheesey almost squealed in delight of the thought of sinking his fighting claws into the Orcs who had forced him to retreat.
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Apr 16
Mordheim Campaign 2 – Game 2
Crabi the Credible and his warband of Orcs and Goblins were rummaging through the rubble of a collapsed tower. As he tossed a chunk of cement aside, he hollered at the two orc boyz closest to him. “Hey! It’s been forever. Wher’s the gems?” The boyz looked around trying to find who he was talking to. But before Crabi could give the closest boy a punch to the face, he noticed Durrr, the troll, licking the bark off the remains of a tree.
“DURRR!?! Wat are ya doin’? Get ov’r here… I can’t get you ta do anyth’ng…” said the Orc boss as he hustled over to the drueling troll.
In the shadows two Skaven were quickly scurrying away into the night to report the possible gems in the area.
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Apr 6
Mordheim Campaign 2 Begins
The persistent yet patient badgering of the neighbor I so happily taught about Mordheim has forced me to start Montana Mordheim Campaign 2. Michael has not even mentioned Mordheim in months, but when I went over to see his new puppy, he was calling “Mortheim” out to me before I even go to his driveway. I really didn’t think I’d be able to post on this blog for a long while, and I most likely will not be able to do the most fun parts (building terrain and painting minis), but the playing the game every week or so will still be a good break.
Mordheim Warbands
Ashton’s Orcs (no time for names yet =(. )
I have used my Orcs + Troll Sample Warband that I created last year:
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Jan 25
AFM – Away From Mordheim
It has been two and a half months since my last post, and I have finally come out of denial. I admit it: I’m taking a break from Mordheim. =(
I was well on my way to making my 2008 target for number of posts, and it has been my intention to get back down to my Mordheim desk and continue building. Although I didn’t think it was possible, life has gotten in the way.
What I’m trying to say is that, although it pains me to admit it, I am officially on a Mordheim break. I hope to get back on top of my other projects in the near future. Feel free to browse through my previous posts until I get back to Mordheim.
Until then,
Ashton Sanders