May 12
Mordheim Campaign 2 – Game 3
After a productive rummage through the city, it was time to head back to their temporary den. The Skaven warband “Fierce” was scurrying back through the city as a good pace. The six rats easily moved through the shadows without making a noise. Even the large rat ogre, Stinky, had no trouble sticking to the darkness as shadows grew longer.
Cheesey the Assassin Adept came to a silent hault, and the warband froze. From the distance came the loud bellowing of the quarreling green-skin warband. The dumb brutes were walking in their direction. Cheesey saw that they were both heading down the same street, with only one way to get to the other side; by slicing through the thick sculls of the Orc warband.
Cheesey almost squealed in delight of the thought of sinking his fighting claws into the Orcs who had forced him to retreat.
The two Orc Boyz, Slice and Slam got pissed at the nearest Big ‘Un, and spewed insults at his poor choice in weapon choices. *Both Orc Boyz got double 1’s… notice the Mordheim Animosity Markers*
Both Warband sprinted through the street toward eachother.
One Orc Big’Un made a run for the finish line *but never made it* while both warbands prepared for battle.
The Skaven got the first charge. Stinky the rat ogre fought with the drueling Durr; pummeling eachother ceaselessly. The three most experienced rats charged into the Orc Boss. Cheesey sliced him down on the first round.
With the the screems of agony from the Crabi, the Orc Boss, infuriated the nearby orcs and squigs who all ran at the Assassin Adept, clubbing him to the ground.
Two goblins perched on a unstable porch loosed two arrows at the Black Skaven. One arrow broke in half befor leaving the bow, but the second ricocheted off one Black Skaven into the other; knocking both to the ground dazed.
Shortly after the Assassin adept hit the ground Durr the Troll landed a solid hit to the rat Ogre sending him reeling to the floor; out cold.
With the Assassin Adept and Rat Oger out of action and with only 4 remaining members, the rats broke from the fight leaving the Orcs as the victors.