Jul 28
Sanders Mordheim Game 1
My family came to visit me for a week, which is why I haven’t been able to update the blog in a little bit. But the best part about this is that my brother came too. This is the brother who originally purchased the Orcs and Goblins warband that I have been having so much fun with.
To say the least, we have been very busy this last week, and I’m now behind in my work, but we did sneak in some time to play a great game of Mordheim: Ashton Sanders’ Skaven vs. Brother’s Orcs:
We played a normal game. The Orcs took the starting warband that I used for my last campaign: 5 Orcs, 5 Gobblins and 5 Squigs. I took 6 heroes, 4 vermikin and 4 rats. ( I didn’t have time to figure out the cost, so I just guessed.) Read the Rest of the Post >
Jun 14
Montana Campaign 1 Game 5
Campaign 1 – Game 5
This Mordheim Campaign is between Ashton Sanders (me) with my Mordheim Orcs of the Sun (name still in progress), and my neighbor’s son using my old Skaven warband. The purpose of this campaign is to learn the rules and have fun =]. So far I haven’t posted any battle reports as we were still doing more learning than anything else. Here goes nothing:
Treasure Hunt