Archive for the 'Mordheim Warbands' Category
May 3
Skaven Miniature Painted
Here is my third Mordheim model/miniature. Since I’ve already done two Mordheim Orc Miniatures, I decided to do a Skaven miniature. I found a mini that I had glued together seven years ago, and went at it. I gave it a good black base paint. Kind of like the orange theme I gave to my orcs, my Skaven is going to be Blue. I’m getting much better at painting, but I screwed up the Skaven’s hands pretty good. It’ll get better with practice. Anyway, here you go. Let me know what you think:
Apr 20
Painting Orcs – Almost Done
I’ve finally gotten around to painting my first two models since I grew up
Orc Warband Storyline:
I haven’t settled on a complete storyline for my Orc Warband yet, but these Orcs’ homeland has a odd, orange stone that when smashed into powder and rubbed on skin with water creates a great Orange Dye. This is why they have Orange warpaint all of themselves, kind of like Scottish Orcs with orange (instead of blue) woad… *stolen from Tom* I have yet to do the face painting, but I have decided that two orange stripes is this warbands signature.
I also wouldn’t normally take such up-close pictures, as it shows too many flaws ;}, but I’m still on a learning curve. =] Here’s a picture that isn’t too close:
And without further ado, Here’s the close-ups: Read the Rest of the Post >
Apr 6
Orcs and Goblins – Before
To continue showing off where I started with my (badly painted) models (when I was 14 years old), here is my Orcs and Goblins Warband. Most of these models got a green base coat, and then black, brown and silver paint was applied where necessary. I took some extra time with the Troll, who would be looking really good right now if he wasn’t missing his head. I’ll need to get some green stuff and make a new one.
(NOTE: The sole purpose of this and the previous post is for posterity’s sake, and proof that everyone starts at the bottom and gets better with practice (or so I hope ;)).)
Without further ado, here is my Orc and Goblin warband (before):
Apr 5
Skaven Warband – Before
When Mordheim first came out, I (literally) threw together a Skaven warband as quickly as possible so I could play. At the age of 14, I probably spent 4 hours painting the whole warband, so to say the least, I’m not extremely proud of them. Since I’ve completed my second large Mordheim building, I’ve decided to turn my attention to my warbands and modeling. I found a couple great tutorials about basing models that I have read thoroughly, and will definitely use when I get started making my new warband.
(NOTE: The sole purpose of this post is for posterity’s sake, and proof that everyone starts at the bottom and gets better with practice (or so I hope ;)).)
UPDATE: I have gotten around to painting a new Skaven Model.
Without further ado, here is my old Skaven warband:
Dec 11
Oger Warbands in Mordheim
I found a couple great links to Oger Warband Rules for Mordheim. Many of them have not been tested, but I’m putting they up because I found them interesting, and they seem pretty fair.
This first link is a post on Games Workshop Specialist Forum entitled Oger Warband, and seems pretty fair to me. You can only have a total of 3 Ogers. My only real problem with it is that you have to shoot or attack the Ogers if you can. You are not allowed to shoot their weak slaves. I would do away with that rule.
Here’s another link on another Games Workshop Forum entitled Ogre Kingdoms Warband. I haven’t evaluated this one yet, but from briefly looking it over, it looks like this one is very unbalanced. Let me know what you think.
Ashton Sanders
Nov 21
Skaven Warband Roster for Mordheim
Here is my Skaven Warband Roster (in a zip file).
Explanation: This is my Skaven Swarm.
I have 5 heroes with minimal equipment and no armor. My Assassin Adept (Leader) has fighting claws because those claws are awesome. Besides that, every other hero has either a sword and dagger or spear and dagger. (They both cost 10g. The sword gives you a possible save to hit and the spear gives you the first hit when someone charges you.)
For henchmen, I got 1 Vermikin with a club and dagger, and the rest of the gold crowns (180) went to get 12 Giant Rats. Nothing like starting the game with 18 models while most warbands start with 6-8. This swarm with some cheap ganging tactics ends up with 3 or 4 instances of 4 vs 1, and the other team instantly has to take a route test.
Long live the Swarm!
-Ashton Sanders
Nov 17
Mordheim Tactics for Skaven Part I
This is my first post on my (Ashton’s) Skaven Tactics in Mordheim. I first chose Skaven for their numbers. They can have up to 20 warriors, and the giant rat swarm is very entertaining.
You can play Skaven many different ways. You could start the game with 4 decked-out heros with armor and a Rat Oger. Or you can pile up 20 rats with daggers and teeth. Most would argue to strike a balance between the two, and have 8-10 rats with swords or spears. This is a fine idea, but I wouldn’t do it.
First of all, light armor in Mordheim isn’t worth the 20 points/gold pieces. I would much rather have 3 sets of fighting claws than 5 sets of light armor. Heavy armor is a waste because of the minus 1 to movement. Skaven’s movement speed allows them to run circles around every other warband. If a human gets the ability “Sprint” (when you run you can x3 your movement instead of x2), he runs the same distance a normal Skaven runs (12 inches). If a Skaven gets the ability “Sprint,” he runs more than twice that of the normal human (18″ as opposed to a human’s 8″). That’s the full length of a red Games Workshop Ruler.
Second of all, Read the Rest of the Post >