Jul 9
Gold Medal Mordheim Terrain
I have been building my latest Mordheim terrain project for the Companion Piece Competition at Terragenesis.co.uk. (That link will direct you to the completed entries for this competition.) I am proud to announce that I just barely stole 1st place with my Mordheim Terrain Platform!
Apr 8
Competition Results
The Terragenasis competition ended last night, and I just barely took home 2nd place.
1st place went to DragonFlies7033, who created a huge castle that doubled as a DM screen so he, as a Dungeon Master, can keep all his “tricks” hidden from the players. It came out amazingly.
I got 2nd Place, beating out 3rd place by 1 vote.
3rd place went to GeoLinna’s Clock/Dice Tower, which came out amazing.
On another note, I posted some pictures of my dice tower on Board Game Geek, and as of right now, I have three images on the home page! I don’t even believe it.
Thanks to everyone who voted for my dice tower in the competition and to those who thumbed my Dice Tower images on BGG.
-Ashton Sanders
Feb 9
Terrain Competition Victory!
That’s right! The Terrain Gods have smiled down upon me with their ever-loving rays of light and given me a victory in my first terrain competition!
This is now my most highly decorated Mordheim terrain piece. =] lol
Here were the results from the poll:
Ashton’s Tower Destroyed by Comet 44% [ 26 ]
Ghetti’s Crash and fallen telephone pole 18% [ 11 ]
Caleb’s Crushed Crapper 10% [ 6 ]
nealcrankshaw’s Fallen Warhound 8% [ 5 ]
Dragonflies7033’s Toppled AT-AT 5% [ 3 ]
jedion357’s Camping with 3 Ladies 3% [ 2 ]
Kishkumen’s Fallen Light Pole 3% [ 2 ]
Maenoferren’s Maen’s fallen over too 1% [ 1 ]
Jedion357’s Jersey Barriers 1% [ 1 ]
Armoury-Terrain’s slag piles 1% [ 1 ]
NetTerrain´s toppled statue 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 58
I’m a huge fan of TerraGenesis and these competitions. I think they’re a fantastic Idea. Props to all who entered. I am very glad to be a part of it.
-Ashton Sanders
Feb 3
TerraGenesis Competition
I have completed my entry for TerraGenesis‘s Fallen Over Competition, and the voting has started! It’s three days into the competition now, and I’m currently in the lead! Yeay! I’m so excited. This competition yielded 11 good entries. 3 or 4 of them are so AWESOME! One guy, Neal, created a “warhound” (large two legged machine kind of like AT-AT’s in StarWars) completely from scratch! I didn’t even know that was possible.
I’m very surprised, but delighted, that I’m in the lead. I hope I can keep it.
This competition has been amazingly fun and entertaining. I’m glad I found out about it. (They have a new one starting each month, so check it out!)
-Ashton Sanders
Dec 9
Terrain Competition
Another site that I’ve been lurking on for a while is TerraGenesis. Great site full of endless resources. I first found this site when I was looking for board creation ideas. I found this page with a great Mordheim Table Idea. I then found that they hosted a new two month, terrain competition every month (so there is always two competitions available).
They came up with a perfect competition for a Mordheim building called the “Fallen Over Competition.” I started a for a Mordheim tower that fell over. I will be posting some of my thoughts and progress on it here as well.
-Ashton Sanders
Dec 4
Mordheim Terrain Competition
In my daily perusing the Internet, I came upon a website with lots of good content (and web ranking).
Terra Genesis has a new terrain competition that starts every month and lasts for two months. So at any given time, they’ll have two competitions going at the same time! Then all the visitors vote on the best completed submission. If you like to create Mordheim or just plain miniature terrain, Terra Genesis is a great website community to get hooked up with!
Right now, they don’t have any good competitions that I could build a Mordheim building (or terrain) for, but they should have another Competition starting on the 10th (of every month). I’ll see if I can do anything for the next competition.
I’ll keep you posted,
-Ashton Sanders