Nov 27
My Skaven Mordheim Box
Probably one of the coolest ideas I had when I first started playing this game was to create a Mordheim Box for my Skaven warband. I found an old cardboard box I had, and a block of foam. I cut the foam to perfectly fit inside the box, and then cut it in half like a hamburger. I then cut out custom holes in the foam for my Skaven warband. That way, all of my Mordheim guys had a specific hole that would keep them protected.
After years of use, the box is pretty ugly, and many of the Skaven models have changed. I have a new piece of foam and a new Mordheim carrying case that I’ll be using to create Mordheim Box v2.0. =] I’ll post it when I’m done.
-Ashton Sanders
Nov 24
More Mordheim Ladders
I’ve expanded my collection of Mordheim Ladders. I only have one GW ladder. (I think that’s all that comes in the box.) And ladders are extremely useful in Mordheim (not so much for Skaven, but for the other, not so agile warbands =). I’ve decided to make a couple ladders in the different construction styles of the Warbands of Mordheim.
You may remember in my first Mordheim Ladder post, I mentioned that it was a ladder that was definitely made by humans. After I said that, I went on a quest to create a ladder made by my Skaven Warband. I actually made two. Both of these were created from Popsicle sticks, and I think they came out pretty well. I still have to base coat that last ladder. Here are my four Mordheim Ladders:
Nov 21
Skaven Warband Roster for Mordheim
Here is my Skaven Warband Roster (in a zip file).
Explanation: This is my Skaven Swarm.
I have 5 heroes with minimal equipment and no armor. My Assassin Adept (Leader) has fighting claws because those claws are awesome. Besides that, every other hero has either a sword and dagger or spear and dagger. (They both cost 10g. The sword gives you a possible save to hit and the spear gives you the first hit when someone charges you.)
For henchmen, I got 1 Vermikin with a club and dagger, and the rest of the gold crowns (180) went to get 12 Giant Rats. Nothing like starting the game with 18 models while most warbands start with 6-8. This swarm with some cheap ganging tactics ends up with 3 or 4 instances of 4 vs 1, and the other team instantly has to take a route test.
Long live the Swarm!
-Ashton Sanders
Nov 17
Mordheim Tactics for Skaven Part I
This is my first post on my (Ashton’s) Skaven Tactics in Mordheim. I first chose Skaven for their numbers. They can have up to 20 warriors, and the giant rat swarm is very entertaining.
You can play Skaven many different ways. You could start the game with 4 decked-out heros with armor and a Rat Oger. Or you can pile up 20 rats with daggers and teeth. Most would argue to strike a balance between the two, and have 8-10 rats with swords or spears. This is a fine idea, but I wouldn’t do it.
First of all, light armor in Mordheim isn’t worth the 20 points/gold pieces. I would much rather have 3 sets of fighting claws than 5 sets of light armor. Heavy armor is a waste because of the minus 1 to movement. Skaven’s movement speed allows them to run circles around every other warband. If a human gets the ability “Sprint” (when you run you can x3 your movement instead of x2), he runs the same distance a normal Skaven runs (12 inches). If a Skaven gets the ability “Sprint,” he runs more than twice that of the normal human (18″ as opposed to a human’s 8″). That’s the full length of a red Games Workshop Ruler.
Second of all, Read the Rest of the Post >