Nov 13

Mordheim Trees

Author: Ashton Sanders

On most Mordheim Tables, there are very few trees. Actually, I think I’ve only seen one Mordheim Table that had a tree, and it was approximately 3 inches tall.

I realize these trees are Redwood-size, and following the story line of Mordheim, there really is no way they could have survived the impact of a two-tailed comet. “So What?” This is my first one, so I’m testing it out.

I found a tumble weed that has a cool, thick trunk, and it looks like a great miniature tree. Here are the pictures of my first set of Mordheim Trees:

Mordheim Tree

I cut three perfectly sized holes in this small piece of cardboard, and stuck in the trunks of the three tumble weeds. I placed this normal cardboard onto a thin piece of thick board and glued it with super glue and Elmer’s Glue. I used the Elmer’s to smooth out the edges of the cardboard.

Mordheim Tree

I used bailing twine (orange string) to tie the tops of the trees together to keep them in place while I glued the branches that touched to stabilize it.

Yes, I realize they are FREAKING HUGE.
-Ashton Sanders