Feb 17
Mordheim Dice Tower In Progress
I’ve been working a lot on my Mordheim dice tower. Here’s some pictures of the progress:
This was Version 1.0. I did a lot of testing on this tower to find a technique that will work. The first problem I ran into was the dice getting stuck in the exit when two dice tried going out at the same time. to handle this, I made the funnel thinner at the top. Also adding multiple ramps helped to spread out the dice. As you can see, the dice tower is pretty big. It’s almost a 9 inch cube, and since the tower won’t be a playable terrain piece, I didn’t want it to be so large. So I took it all apart and cut it down to size.
In these pictures you can see that I cut about 3 inches off of one side, and cut the bottom ramp in half. The horizontal lines on the front of the building represent each story of the building. So the main building is two stories tall, and the tower reaches up another two stories. The slanted lines in the last image is how I plan to put in the ramps for the dice tower. I am putting in the ramps today, so I should have some more pics of my Mordheim Dice Tower for you tomorrow.
-Ashton Sanders