May 8

Mordheim Elevation Platform – Completed

Completed Projects,Elevation,Terrain
Author: Ashton Sanders

Here is my completed piece of elevation. I am looking at making a board out of Pink (insulation) Foam, so decided to test the foam with a simple piece of platform terrain. The idea was to create a very playable terrain piece that was very versatile, and add elevation to a Mordheim board (as Mordheim normally lacks enough elevation IMO). (You can see the Mordheim Platform WIP Thread Here.
Mordheim Terrain Elevation

The platform is tall enough to hide most models, and with entrances on all sides, makes a very playable piece. The surface is very flat, allowing all models to easily move around on it and, if you’d like to, place a building on top of it.

Mordheim Platform with Building

I also addressed a problem of “standing on the steps.” Most miniature stairs are tough for a Mordheim model or miniature to stand on.

Mordheim Miniature Stairs

So I created a small row of three bricks that will help keep the poor Mordheim Orc from falling over.

Mordheim Miniature Stairs

Platform Construction and Details

Overall this piece of terrain was very simple. As I mentioned above, I carved this entire thing out of a section of pink foam. Everything was carved using a Razor blade, and the lines between the tiles were etched with a pen. painting was a simple base coat of dark gray with consecutive drybrushings of lighter grays. The Dark Green tiles have some highlighting as well. Here are some detail shots of the different sides of the platform.

Mordheim Platform
Mordheim Elevation
Mordheim Terrain
Mordheim Platform
Mordheim Elevation above

I’ll also mention that I worked pretty hard to make the “destroyed stairs” very accessible. (It will probably count as difficult terrain, but at least players wont need to wait a turn to climb up.)

That looks like everything for today.
-Ashton Sanders

Tags: Completed, elevation, Mordheim, platform, Small Terrain,

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