Feb 15

Summary of Brexit Withdrawal Agreement

Author: Ashton Sanders

The Brexit withdrawal agreement has been a long time in the making, with negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union taking place over several years. Finally, on November 25th, 2018, the UK and EU agreed on a withdrawal agreement that outlines the terms of the UK`s departure from the EU. Here is a summary of the key points of the agreement.

Transition Period:

The withdrawal agreement sets out a transition period from March 29th, 2019, until December 31st, 2020. During this time, the UK will still be subject to EU rules and regulations, but it will no longer be a member of the EU.

Citizens` Rights:

The agreement guarantees the rights of UK and EU citizens residing in each other`s territories. This includes the right to live and work in the respective countries, as well as access to healthcare and social security benefits.

Northern Ireland:

One of the most contentious issues during the Brexit negotiations has been the status of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The withdrawal agreement includes a “backstop” proposal that would keep Northern Ireland aligned with EU regulations if a new trade agreement cannot be reached. This has been a controversial point, with many UK politicians arguing that it would leave the UK tied to the EU indefinitely.

Financial Settlement:

The withdrawal agreement includes provisions for the UK to continue to pay its financial commitments to the EU, even after it leaves. This covers things like funding for EU projects and pensions for EU staff.


The withdrawal agreement outlines the terms of the future UK-EU trade relationship. However, this is still subject to further negotiation and may change depending on the outcome of future talks.

Overall, the Brexit withdrawal agreement is a complex document that outlines the terms of the UK`s departure from the EU. While it provides some clarity on issues like citizens` rights and the financial settlement, there are still many questions to be answered about the future UK-EU relationship. The agreement still needs to be approved by both the UK and EU parliaments, and could potentially be renegotiated depending on political developments in the coming months.


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